Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Opportunities for E-learning Scholarship

E-learning faculty and scholars interested in combining their teaching and scholarship may be interested in this site:

This website from my home institution, The University of Illinois Springfield, contains calls for papers and presentations on e-learning. Especially for junior faculty, and those just starting to teach online, this blog presents a clear and easy starting point for examining opportunities to present and publish all the work you have done to make your online classroom successful.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for sharing link but I have some doubts that link not contain about the E-learning Scholarship program..

Could you list the proper site that offers opprtunity for E-learning Scholarship..


Rone from english language schools london

Unknown said...

Thank you for this page. I am applying to the online program and very interested in the possibility of presenting papers. I have done several presentations on Lacan and an analysis of 911 in relation to the dismantling of personal rights. I am presently working or reworking a presentation on Semiotics and technology using Derrida and other sources such as Umberto Eco (both his fiction and scholarly works). I look forward to reading this blog and other related blogs that pertain to your ambitious program. It appears to be very challenging covering a diverse area of interest of mine. Best wishes to all your future endeavours.